
The Dragon Prince: Xadia

Our studio’s first game, The Dragon Prince: Xadia, is a cooperative, hero-based action role-playing game currently in early development. Set in the magical world of Xadia and featuring a diverse cast of characters based on Wonderstorm’s original Emmy-award winning animated series, The Dragon Prince (streaming on Netflix), it’s a vibrant multiplayer game that seeks to celebrate combat mastery and teamwork in equal measure, rewarding players with unique abilities, increasing levels of difficulty, and untold troves of treasure.

Access to the alpha playtest can be found here: PROJECT ARCANUM and PLAY XADIA

Release trailer for the game:

As one of the founding members of the team, I've led the effort of building many of our core multiplayer gameplay systems from the ground-up across our Unreal Engine-powered game server, game client, and backend live services platform (built in collaboration with our partners at Pragma Engine). In addition to working across nearly every system in the game, I've mentored junior engineering team members in our Unreal C++ codebase, as well as provided support and video/Confluence documentation for designers and artists working with our gameplay systems via Unreal Blueprints.

My role as a Principal Gameplay Engineer requires that I work hand-in-hand with our art, design, and backend platform teams to bring clarity to feature requests by defining requirements, translating them into robust and extensible gameplay systems, and iterating with design stakeholders on the data structures and interfaces. The job doesn't end once the system in place - by engaging with the designers and other engineers on our on our team to solicit feedback, I relentlessly pursue improved workflows, reduce iteration times, and optimize our game's code using Unreal Engine's suite of profiling tools.

Here's a summary of the areas of the game that I have worked on during my time at Wonderstorm:


  • Developed character pipeline that allowed the art and design team to build 11 playable heroes, over 70 unique enemy NPCs, and 6 set-piece world bosses
  • Designed a "phase" system for bosses, leveraging a finite state machine that designers could use to control the boss's animation set, available abilities, and AI behavior, utilizing our custom syntax for expressing state change transition conditions
  • Character Stats
    • Leveraged the Unreal Gameplay Attributes and Gameplay Effects to handle all of our character and item stats
    • Each playable hero and NPC in the game had a set of base stats, stats that were unlocked as the character leveled up, and stats from their equipment/loadout
  • Hero progression/ability unlocks
    • Authored the data types and system for designers to create the hero progression for our playable characters
    • Including the XP curve for leveling, which abilities the character starts with, what level their other abilities unlock at, equipment slot unlocks, and passive unlocks
  • Items, inventory, and loadouts
    • Created the system for updating a character's loadout on-the-fly, allowing items to be picked up/equipped/unequipped mid-mission
    • Wrote the data types and C++ logic for equippable all item types, including weapons, accessories, consumables, and cosmetics (including character and weapon specific skins, pets, and chromas)
  • NPC difficulty scaling
    • Based on the level of the NPC, the attributes of the NPCs would be scaled (including their health, poise, and outgoing damage)
    • Designers could use the level of the NPC to control which abilities were available for use
    • Artists were also able to modify the skeletal meshes, weapon visuals, and VFX of higher level NPCs

Gameplay Ability System

  • Integrated Unreal's Gameplay Ability System plugin into our project
  • Automated tedious aspects of the system (such as defining gameplay tags, abilities, effects, cues, and attributes) using our custom data language and code generation techniques
  • Created a common gameplay ability finite state machine (FSM) that allowed designers to script transitions between ability states and other combo abilities
    • Designers created data for over 600 unique abilities using this single C++ gameplay ability class over the course of the project
  • Created a system of easily tunable ability "actions" for designers to leverage in their abilities that fully handled prediction, replication, and rollback for common gameplay features such as targeting, physics, movement, visual/sound cues, status effects, etc.
  • Created a system of "gameplay events" that designers could use to script additional behavior for passive bonuses granted by equipping items and character progression
  • Exposed key aspects of Gameplay Ability System to Blueprint for designers

Character Movement

  • Developed a deep understanding of Unreal's UCharacterMovementComponent source code, and how to properly predict and replicate client movement
  • Authored custom FRootMotionSources for our project's unique movement abilities based on design's specifications, including tunable combat knockbacks, procedural player-controlled sliding based on the slope/normal of surfaces, and a grappling hook for flying throughout levels
  • Added support to the UE character movement component for instant rotations towards combat targets or the player's input direction, to make combat and targeting feel snappier
  • Designed a "movement modifier" system to allow for prioritizing stacked additive or override settings to the UE character movement component, allowing designers to author predictive/replicated modifications of move speed, direction, rotation mode, and other movement settings during abilities

Animation Blueprints/State Machines

  • Wrote C++ UAnimInstance logic for synchronizing character animations with networked movement state, including…
    • Run/walk locomotion
    • Movement states for falling, flying, and sliding
    • Foot and head/look-at IK
    • Strafe movement (8 way/2D blendspaces) for twinstick control
    • Pose blending (upper body only animations) for specific ability states
  • Developed a system to enable animators to drag-and-drop character animations for shared abilities and locomotion "motion sets" into a data asset that was utilized by a single, shared parent animation blueprint graph for every character in our game (nearly 100 characters, many with unique skeletons)
    • With this tech, we were able to avoid copy/pasting animation graph logic into several different animation blueprints, and maintain a single, shared animation state machine for all of our characters
    • Wrote custom editor tooling to automatically generate blendspace assets from a shared parent/template asset, to avoid inconsistent settings between characters
  • Created robust editor tooling for sharing/copying montage data (such as anim sequence durations, SFX/VFX/gameplay notifies, and play rates) from a single "parent" montage to N "child" montages
    • Allowed us to avoid repetitive, error prone tasks for shared hero and NPC abilities like "defeat"
  • Wrote a system for syncing animation graph state machine and montage playback position from a single "leader" actor to N "follower" actors
    • Used for modular characters with synchronized weapon attachments, groups of characters that needed frame-perfect synchronized animations, and character/mount animation synchronization


  • Worked with combat design lead to implement a fighting game-style input buffer and queuing system, so that the controls felt more responsive to players, and inputs during other abilities didn't feel like they were "dropped"
  • Created a system of animation notify states for designers to author early breakout windows to end abilities early when transitioning directly into locomotion or other combo abilities
  • Generalized input handling pattern across all of our supported platforms (console/gamepad, mobile/touch, and PC/mouse + keyboard) using Unreal's input system
  • Implemented mouse + keyboard controls for aiming abilities based on cursor direction
  • Wrote automatic input mode detection code based on last-detected input device (touch, gamepad, or mouse + keyboard), and logic to update the UI with platform-specific button icons depending on whether the player was using a mouse, Xbox, or PlayStation controller
  • Wrote logic for input remapping across multiple platforms (mouse + keyboard, gamepad), as well as the saving/restoring logic and player-facing input remapping UI in the Settings menu

AI Behavior

  • Implemented factions/stance system using Unreal's FGenericTeamId that allowed designers to assign attitudes between all the different NPC and player factions in our game
  • Created a single AI controller for all NPCs in the game, with shared attack selection logic that performed ability activation based on designer-authored conditional checks (such as angle/distance to their combat focus, amount of health, etc.), weighted randomness, and prioritization
  • Wrote custom C++ behavior tree classes (decorators, services, and tasks) to keep complex logic out of the Blueprint behavior tree graphs
  • Created a component to handle combat pacing logic to coordinate attacks on the player between enemies of different types (e.g., ranged vs. melee), and prevent the player from feeling overwhelmed by enemies


  • Integrated Audiokinetic's Wwise into our gameplay systems, including use in our gameplay cues and hit-sparks system
  • Configured the audio listener positioning/rotation for a 3rd person isometric action game
  • Created system to switch footstep sounds based on floor physical materials using existing IK foot probes, as well as cheats/tools for audio designers to diagnose material problems with in-game surfaces

UI framework

  • Experienced in writing Unreal C++ for both UMG and Slate UI controls
  • Wrote gamepad/keyboard input handling system to limit input to the correct UI layer based on visibility
    • This allowed UI designers to place gamepad or keyboard triggered buttons on any screen, but only have them active if the buttons were visible to the player
  • Created C++ base classes for HUD widgets that hooked into the Gameplay Ability System's costs and cooldowns for displaying character ability states in the UI
    • Optimized performance by storing ability charge data (resource, cooldown, and condition states) in a centralized cache, shaving 2ms off the total Slate tick time on our target hardware
  • Created a re-usable scene capture rig for displaying 3D character and item models in the UMG UI (used in character selection, dialog, and shop UI)
  • Mentored junior UI team members on how to use model/view UI architecture patterns, and virtualized/pooled widgets via Unreal's UListView and UTileView classes when displaying large numbers of items in the UI
  • Created a set of re-usable controls for…
    • Tab-based menu navigation
    • Gamepad-triggerable buttons, with display of platform-specific button prompt images based on the player's hardware/input (e.g. "Esc" on PC, "B" on Xbox, and "O" on PlayStation)
    • Animated notification panels for displaying in-game loot, quest updates, and status notifications
    • Animated World Map for players to select missions and begin quests from
    • Modal dialogs for popup menus
    • Tutorial "coach marks" system that could be anchored to any UI elements, and offer interactive player instructions/walkthroughs
  • Wrote custom rich text decorators in C++ to bring our in-game text to life, including rich text tags for...
    • Status effect icons with tooltips to help player understanding of ability effects like burning/freezing
    • Translating Unreal Input actions names to the platform-specific button prompt images (e.g., to display the "A" button on Xbox controller or "LMB" on PC for the player's abilities)
    • Inline styling of text using HTML-style <span> tags that designers could use bold, italic, colors, hyperlinks, and differing font sizes directly in their ability descriptions
  • Experienced in translating the UI artist's vision/style into Unreal UI materials
    • Created animated and procedural UI materials for the UI art team to use for visual effects like text blur, shadows, rounded image corners, and custom masking
    • Produced 2D UI VFX entirely in Unreal's material graph for calling player attention to "ultimate"-style abilities when they are fully charged
    • Authored and procedural UI animations, such as health bar "shaving"


  • Worked with narrative team to create a custom dialog syntax and parser for designers to write scripts, based on Yarn
  • Wrote tooling to generate Unreal localizable text from our scripts, so that narrative designers did not need to manage localization/string tables manually
  • Created UI to display dialog trees, and offer player choices and see animated 3D character previews of speakers/NPCs

Technical art

  • Met with the TV show production team to understand the toon material/shader, and convert it to UE's material graph
  • Created a destructibles/breakables system, with prediction and rollback if an ability activation that resulted in destroying the object was rejected


  • Created custom editor blueprint widgets to display debugging information about abilities/actor states for all gameplay-relevant actors
    • This tooling worked both in-editor and in packaged builds, providing invaluable information to the QA/bug reporting teams
  • Contributed to our cheats manager, allowing QA to bypass progression checks on the game server and platform, swap heroes or gear, and more easily test the game
  • Wrote a Damage-Per-Second calculation tool for designers to record gameplay within Unreal, and view resulting damage output and sources in Excel
  • Created a pipeline for designers to author all tuning values within Excel, export to JSON via VBA scripting and custom Ribbon buttons, and automated import into Unreal as data tables
  • Partnered with our CTO and Director of Engineering to build a strongly-typed, plain-text data definition language that was able to produce validated JSON game data for all of the systems in our game, generate corresponding Unreal C++ code with Blueprint-able data asset types to import the JSON into the engine's asset registry, and express complex calculations and conditionals based on game state for use in abilities, dialog, AI, and other aspects of our game
    • This allowed our designers to keep much of our game's data in text rather than only relying on Blueprint, reducing the overall amount of runtime code to maintain in our game, as well as providing easier collaboration, reviewing, merging, and diff'ing (since our game data was in text rather than binary uassets)
    • I also wrote a translation layer between blueprint and our custom scripting, so that designers could always fall back on Blueprint if they needed it

Systems design

I was often relied upon as the point-person to help implement overarching systems in our game, since I was able to effectively translate designer feature requests into requirements, work with the UX team to implement their wireframes as in-game UI, and create the APIs with the platform team to bring features to life.

  • Quests
    • Collaborated with the platform team to create a robust and flexible Quest system, which allowed for cross-mission progression and...
      • Unlock requirements, and integration with the dialog system for players to be granted quests from speaking with NPC "operators"
      • Completion requirements (in the form of multiple "quest objectives" that designers could author)
      • Rewards (both XP and loot)
      • UI data for displaying different descriptions and flavor text based on the state of the quest completion
  • Objectives
    • Our objectives system was our in-mission "to-do" list for players, and could be "scoped" to individual sections of our dungeons, or span across the entire map
    • Authored C++ data-driven finite state machine that allowed designers to control the flow of the objective through various states, each with their own visuals/UI to display to the player, and logic to replicate the current state to all connected clients
  • Missions
    • Worked with design to create the data structures for missions and regions in our game
    • Created the system for hiding/revealing missions in our UI, and unlock requirements for mission progression
    • Worked with the design team to create our Difficulty system, which controlled the distribution of the levels of NPCs that spawn, loot tables, random mission modifiers to increase difficulty and replayability, and which NPCs were allowed to spawn
  • Stores (buying and selling inventory items)
    • Worked with the platform team to implement the purchase flow and data structures for designers to define costs and requirements for purchasing store entries
    • I also created a data-driven system to allow designers to easily re-skin the store UI and control what items were for sale and which items the player could sell back to the shopkeeper
  • Crafting and Upgrading
    • Worked on data structures with design to author both weighted-random and player-selected item upgrade skill trees
    • Created UI for players to purchase and select item upgrades
  • Checkpoints/Retry
    • Experienced with Unreal's Server Travel feature, which I leveraged to create our checkpointing/retry system
    • When players reached specific designer-authored re-group points in the level, both player/character data and game state data would be cached, and if players were defeated, the world would reset, and the players would be teleported back to the most recent checkpoint and have the player and game states rest
  • Tutorial/First time user experience
    • Worked together with the lead level designer to create our in-game combat tutorial that progressively unlocked the player's abilities and taught them how to use each ability
    • In addition to the in-game tutorial, I also created the menu walkthrough, which guided the player through the menus, teaching them how the game's interface works

Fun Fact: Our game actually started out its first year of life as a local multiplayer game built using the Unity engine. When we switched engines to Unreal, I helped port the game logic from Unity/C# to Unreal/C++, while trying to retain as much of our previous code, game data, and assets as possible.